FIA Expo, Chicago
LMAX Group is delighted to be sponsoring FIA Expo 2021, 2-4 November 2021 at the Hilton Chicago.Our participation
Meet the LMAX Group team at Booth #912.
Get in touch with the LMAX Group team on +1 212 763 4185 or at [email protected]
Hilton Chicago, 720 S Michigan Ave, Chicago, IL 60605, United StatesAbout the event
FIA Expo offers attendees the opportunity to gain valuable insights on the latest developments from exchange leaders, clearinghouse leaders, regulators, clearing members and buy-side firms. The re-designed Expo trade show floor integrates product demos, tech talks and networking hubs alongside panel sessions providing numerous opportunities to generate valuable contacts. In-person receptions, networking breaks and attendee hubs help to make new acquaintances and deepen valuable partnerships.